Vikrama Simhapuri University,Nellore, VSU PGCET-2013
Applications are invited for admission into various PG Courses in constituent and affiliated colleges of Vikrama Simhapuri University through common entrance tests (VSUPGCET-2013) for the academic year 2013-14. Candidates who have passed or who are appearing for the final year of the qualifying examination of 2013 are eligible to apply.
A separate application is to be submitted for each test.
Tentative dates of entrance tests during May 20-30, 2013
M.Sc. Human Nutrition and Nutraceutical Chemistry
Applications are invited for admission into various PG Courses in constituent and affiliated colleges of Vikrama Simhapuri University through common entrance tests (VSUPGCET-2013) for the academic year 2013-14. Candidates who have passed or who are appearing for the final year of the qualifying examination of 2013 are eligible to apply.
A separate application is to be submitted for each test.
How to apply :
Application along with the Instruction Booklet will be available from 27-3-2013 from the Head Post Offices at Nellore, Kavali, Gudur, Tirupati, Kadapa, Anantapur, Kurnool and Ongole; Andhra Bank branches at
Nellore Main, Kavali, Gudur,
VR College and SVU Campus on payment of Rs. 300/- (Rs. 275 + Rs. 25 towards service charges).
Application can be had by post from The Convener, VSUPGCET-2013, Vikrama Simhapuri Univesity, 23-3-208, Sodhan Nagar, Nellore
– 524 001 by sending a
demand draft for Rs. 325/- (including postage for sending the application) drawn on SBI / Andhra Bank in favour of ‘Convener, VSUPGCET-2013’ payable at Nellore with name and address of the candidate clearly written on the back side of the DD.
Importat dates to remember:
Sale of applications at POs and Banks 27-03-2013 to 25-04-2013
Last date for receipt of filled-in applications 27-04-2013
Last date for receipt of applications with late fee (Rs.500) 03-05-2013

The following are the entrance tests conducted and the courses into which admissions are made based on the tests (Refer Instruction booklet to know the colleges offering the course).
01-Biochemistry M.Sc. Biochemistry /
M.Sc. Human Nutrition and Nutraceutical Chemistry
M.Sc. Biotechnology / M.Sc. Marine Biology /

03-Botany M.Sc. Botany / M.Sc. Human Nutrition and Nutraceutical Chemistry
04-Chemistry M.Sc. Organic Cemistry/ M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry /
M.Sc. Human Nutrition and Nutraceutical Chemistry
05-Commerce M. Com. /
M.Com. (Banking & Finance) /
M.Com. (Financial Management)
06-Computer Science M.Sc. Computer Science
07-Economics M.A. Economics
08-Education M.Ed.
09-English M.A. English
10-Food Technology M.Sc. Food Technology
11-Mathematics M.Sc. Mathematics
12-Microbiology M.Sc. Microbiology /
M.Sc. Human Nutrition and Nutraceutical Chemistry
13-Physics M.Sc. Physics
14-Social Work M.S.W. (Master of Social Work)
15-Statistics M.Sc. Statistics with Computer Applications
16-Telugu M.A. Telugu /
M.A. Corporate Telugu
17-Zoology M.Sc. Zoology /
M.Sc. Marine Biology /
M.Sc. Human Nutrition and Nutraceutical Chemistry
Contact Information :
Ph: 0861-2352300